Список текстов песен a death for every sin

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Текст песни:

In a time where hope is lost,
I have sworn myself, never follow the lost souls.
Walking this shattered world, prophecizing a bitter end.
I won′t bow down to them or their god.
All your righteous words.
They were never for me.
All your righteous words, they were never for me.
All your righteous lies, they were never for me.
They won′t change me, I live for myself.
Talking of redemption when no one died for my sins.
I see your faith for what it truly is.
All your righteous words, they were never for me.
All your righteous lies, they were never for me.
They won′t change me, I live for myself. fuck you!
I′ve watched you fall from grace.
No one died for my sins.

@ A Death For Every Sin


Текст песни:

Unholy crusades pursued by legions of prophets chanting the graces of this man-made cage glorifying
slavery so kneel before the altar of the new gods and pray for salvation bring forth all the idols
of hell and filth banish them from this world for blasphemous deeds untold or the prophets of false
hope will lead this world to its end breeders of pain takers of life the time as come for redemption

@ A Death For Every Sin


Текст песни:

Suffering for all this time, I′ve slowly died inside.
These bleeding wounds have not yet healed
and i can′t escape the pain.
Now i need to find the strenght to leave it all behind.
My past won′t be my fate and my scars won′t hold me down.
I have to save myself.
Memories, they haut my life,
nowhere to run, nowhere to hide,
trapped again in my own hell,
I face the truth alone, when all is said and done,
you can′t keep looking back.
So, dry those tears and wish the pain away...

@ A Death For Every Sin


Текст песни:

No one makes it alone in this world of shit,
so build a place to exist and call it home.
To the few by my side, you are my everything.
For the few by my side, I′d give anything.
My friends and my family.
They make me who I am,
this is the one thing in my life that is truly precious.
This is my one true love, my reason to live.
I′ll always hold dear what is in my hands.
Words fail to express what is really sacred.
This is the only honor left for me to defend.
This is my one true love, this is what I′d die for.

@ A Death For Every Sin


Текст песни:

Fuck you, you created this face and this misery.
Something once my saving grave is now a bitter memory.
Searching for answers to questions I shouldn′t ask.
Just know i′ll always hate you for what you′ve fucking done.
Why must beauty always die in these callous hands?
Feels like i will forever walk this path alone.
All the things i′ve once held close to my heart are now gone.
Feeling empty i′ve lost all fucking will to gain back what i lost,
what you took away.
I′ll always hate you for what,
for what you′ve fucking done.
The more i try to make sens of this,
the less i comprehend.

@ A Death For Every Sin


Текст песни:

Progress is the death of hopes of harmony a dreadful fate awaits extinction of this dying world
decaying culture obsessed with itself unable to stray from its path this vile creation digs its own
grave bastard kingdom shall tumble down watch your false savior bathe...in his own filth no hope for
this world destined to suffer our faith is sealed well burn in this hell the blackpath will be our
last sin it will be our last sin.......our last sin.

@ A Death For Every Sin


Текст песни:

Burn their gods this false legacy I won′t celebrate faceless icons painted black bane of the
deranged distorted images....abominations treacherous portrait of truth callous throne of the wicked
destined to rust and decay dehumanized existence is worthless kill the will of the father for it is
soiled with the blood of its victims innocents doomed and misled from the beginning by vicars of
sickness under a godless sky we′re left to rot and to die I won′t celebrate faceless icons painted

@ A Death For Every Sin


Текст песни:

Life is hard when it has no meaning.
I′ve never felt so low.
No one to blame out but myself,
so now I have to make things right.
If not, I′ll just sink deeper towards the bottom.
Where did it all go wrong?
I have forgotten when.
I′m always failing the trials I′m face with.
I just hope that these tortured days will have an end.
I′d give anything to forget the thoughts that plague me.
What do you do when you want to forget a broken past?
Fucking up is how your learn, I know, I′ve been here before.
But when the truth lays out before you, it has you dying cold.
Searching for a way out, I can′t let this last forever.
Now i will confront what I′ve fought with for so long.

@ A Death For Every Sin


Текст песни:

Devoid of truth, we swallow our own lies.
And keep believing that this life is worth pursuing.
Thrown into a world where no light shall ever shine.
Condemned to a meaningless future, we live to die.
This life has been raped. now it′s too late.
Fuck this world for what it is.
We were mislead by faith.
Fuck this world for what it is, we were mislead by lies.
Everyday is another nail in the coffin of our molded lives.
Every prayer said in vain is one more breath closer to death.

@ A Death For Every Sin


Текст песни:

A part of me has died, it was the piece that made me be.
Looking through these tears,
I think could I have prevented the loss?
Sworn I would not return here,
the deed is done, it′s out of reach.
But every step that I make just takes me down this path.
Promised myself, I′d make it through this but nothing fills this void.
When hope is lost, all you have is hate.
This is my cross to bear.
All this time that i thought I was strong,
now I know that I was wrong.
Buried beneath my own fears, I make my final wish.
To see beyond the tears and to live beyond the tears.
A part of my has died.
It was the piece that made me be.
Looking through these tears,
I think could I have prevented the loss?

@ A Death For Every Sin


Текст песни:

I′ve failed in love again.

Will i ever win?

All the pain and suffering.

Born to lose, accept my fate.

Looking back i hate myself for the scars i′ve left.

I have become my nightmares, I have become my fears.

Everything I′ve touched has rot away.

Can I redeem myself for the pain I′ve caused?

Filled with regrets, my heart in my hands.

To love is to lose, to hope is to die,

in the end i′ve lost everything I had.

I live this life with guilt in my heart.

@ A Death For Every Sin


Текст песни:

Deconstruct their lies their ideas of love and sin norms prescribed by moral whores and reinforced
by sick masters architects of abberation cut their throats make them bleed the false gods are now
naked burn this dogma down burn it down ascension beyond and above their hymns of lies and deceit
bloodstain myth molded by deceivers and believers desecrate this holy ground kill the masters of
lies let them drown in their blood withness their demise drown in your blood.

@ A Death For Every Sin


Текст песни:

Ostracized by the disciples of a dark empire by deamons dressed in white staying the infidels
spreading lies bringers of death and horror quenching their sadistic thirst for blood a quest that
made this land a mass grave still the chorus of pleas and remain unheard demanding justice for the
crimes committed against their people for the memories of those mourned they shall seek vengeance
retribution for the martyrs of this world vengeance now judgement′s coming pray for the last time
and gasp for your last breath.

@ A Death For Every Sin


Текст песни:

We are born alone damned and frail searching to lift this curse of despair a cureless disease that
bring only pain to those that have been betrayed and scarred left devoid of love another desecrated
soul now walks this earth suffering and dying in loneless all that is left memories, lost innocent
all that is left stripped of life those left behind have nothing but their shattered hopes and
broken dreams all that is left memories, lost innocent all that is left...are these bleeding wounds
of despair relinquish in sadness.

@ A Death For Every Sin


Текст песни:

Forever gone, suffer in deception as you learn the hardest truth.
After all the confusion nothing seems familiar.
What has been broken for so long can never be the same.
This is how it will be until the day I die.
I can′t turn back from here.
How can i save myself with one foot in the grave?
I wish I didn′t know the things I fuckin know.
What has been broken for so long can never be the same.

@ A Death For Every Sin


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